Thursday, July 25, 2013

Well entry number 2 here is already way later than i thought it'd be. Also my computer keyboard and subsequently satellite wireless keyboard have malfunctioned. To me it seems the odds are low on that problem. I'ce been a Samsung fan for years but this experience is proving otherwise. I'm typibg this with my Samsung phone which hasn't caved yet. However there's no cursor and the field size doesn't fit to screen so pardon any obvious mispellings or grammerical errors. My first Live beat article came out today in the Salem Weekly ( Not bad for getting it in right under deadline while simultaneously constructing an entire sound scgeme for a musical 2days away. The Great Odea is also in 2 weeks and that ship is being let to sea as we speak. Control issues. I have some. You really can pre meditate only so much, pre produce only to a degree of foreseen protection and planning, but the shits going down. My problems are good problems to have- certainly noy mundane. Stay tuned.
p.s. thanks Evan and Alyssa for letting me use your computer sometimes.

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