Sunday, August 31, 2014

Everyone is an Artist
And We’re in it Together.

Unloading: We all do it. It’s worth it. It can help give peace of mind in a lot of situations and help people understand who you are. If you want to stay closed up fine- but recognize you have help as much as you may not want to admit it. Humans are a social species and need interaction inherently. Hell, even in a prison full of murderers the worst punishment is being put in a hole where there is NO human interaction. Remember that you are part of something bigger.
                I am basically talking to myself and you guys. I want the message to get out there but I realize as I continue that I could use the same advice. Really everyone has an opinion and it isn’t necessarily going to help to tell you mine because what do I know? I am on the same journey as you- we’re just writing a different book. We are a product of our environment since before we’re even conscious. In the womb it is believed that we become absorbing of our stimuli and overall environment even then- perhaps those moments being the MOST formative.
                So what does right now have to do with anything? Well right now you can help me by remembering that if you need help know that you can get it if you just ask. Some people are easy to read and others are not, so in the name of health and love, just say something. Okay you don’t have to do it for yourself if you think that’s not important, but start by doing it for your family and friends- I think at least one of them deserves it.
                Eventually maybe you will find that you deserve it. I think it is worth pursuing to find something that you can sink yourself into. Most of the time fittingly enough music is a point that almost everyone can agree helps them: a true inspiration most of the time unifying and interesting regardless of language, race, belief system, or sex.
                Silence is also good. The sound of the river or the crickets is music in a way as well. Everything that you need is as it sits. Herman Hesse wrote, “Meaning and reality were not hidden somewhere behind things, they were in them, in all of them.” Contemplating the previous sentence is what keeps me going. Reality is a song and each of ours is beautiful. Some of us are at Crescendos when others are at points of Pianissimo. It’s dynamic and can be terrible. We are all in it together though; much more connected than previously theorized.

                SO…. Be inspired and live life by the drop. This is a true currency of human experience. You have the ability to reflect your inside voice through whatever mode you like, to trade these ideas with others and share in the experience of your perception and definitely shape it. You have the most powerful voice of all time.

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